Pre-requisites required to build and test

These are the pre-requisites that are required to build and test 'flow':

  • rust toolchain (rustup, cargo, rustc, etc )
    • with wasm32-unknown-unknown target for compiling to wasm
    • clippy for checking coding best practices
  • zmq (Zero Message Queue) library
  • graphviz utilities for automatic generation of SVG files for the book

For building the book: mdbook and the mdbook-linkcheck plug-in

Installing pre-requisites

You have to install rustup, cargo and rust toolchain yourself. I decided to stop short of futzing with people's installed toolchains.

There is a Makefile target config that will install the other dependencies:

  • make config

That will add the wasm32-unknown-unknown target, clippy, graphviz, mdbook and mdbook-linkcheck.